Monday, January 26, 2009

My Friends

Well, I am going to only name off a sselect few of my friends because there are so many! I dont want this to sound bad to any of my friends that read this and dont see themselves on my list.... This is for all of you guys right now!

  • Logan: Well, he is my best friend! He can be a self centered dick head, but he alwasy realizes his mistakes and eventually apologizes. He is always there for me, and I tell him everything. I trust him with my life!
  • Brooke: I have known her and have been going to her house since we were both in first grade. The funny thing is, I dont remember how we met. She is everything Logan is to me... Except she is a girl. Lately though, I have been feeling a little more distant. It is nothing too big, but they aren't what they used to be...
  • Michaela: If I had to describe her in one word, then that word would be "Love". Not only is she full of love and cares for almost everyone, but I love her. I actually mean love, not the crap that people think they feel. She is the first one ever to show that feeling to me. One thing that I just dont get though, is how she can love two peope? I guess it's possible, but it has gotta hurt.
  • Jessica: She has always been a good friend, but recently exceded the place of extreme importance to me. I dont exactly know how to explain it, but I am starting to feel some what like I did when I first grew attached to Michaela. Now, though, there is something more. I dont want her to think that I am comming on to her or any thing, I think there is something that hasn't exactly shown its way to the surface between us.
  • Kacee: I met her last summer on my cellphone through a friend. Are u kidding me? She cant be a friend if i barley know her. Well that is not true at all. I like to think I know her at least a little. She has proven to be a great friend isnpite of the way I treated her a while back. Which I feel terrible about. I also think that there is more that is to come between us. Not as in raising the relationship, but , well I dont exactly know myself! It's just another one of my feelings!
  • Zane: Damn, he would hate this if he saw it. He might think I'm gay, which im not. truth is, he is right up there with logan and everyone else, probably more! He just doesn't realize it. We are always doing a bunch of random stuff, and he is there for me a lot too. Maybe not with some of the stuff that my other friends are, but he has his unique way. Dont even get me started on how frickin funny this guy is!

Well, Here Is My Story

Most of the stuff that anybody should know about me you should already know, otherwise you shouldn't be reading this. Now for the more in depth stuff that I dont normally share. I have recently undergone some changes. Some people like the "New Me" and others dont. the ones who dont clearly have a morbid personality, because I was not that great of a person. It has helped me find my true friends and seperate them from those who fed off my weaknesses. I am not saying that I am better than anybody now, I am just proud of myself for pulling through and making life worth something and enjoying it while it plays out.... Well that's my general, you can find more about me througout my blog!